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Nationellt Lure Courcing in Söderhamn 2008-05-10
Domare: Marie Jarl and Bo Forsberg, Sweden
Mansrud, Trøgstad 2008-04-19, Nationellt Lure Courcingprov
Domare: Steinar Mathisen, Norge & Geir Kristiansen, Norge
Nationellt Lure Courcing in Söderhamn 2007-07-15
Judges : Steinar Mathisen, Norway and Marie Jarl, Sweden

This is some thing that’s fits her perfect. She is very fast, strong and follows the rag perfect. It is a wonderful experience to look at. I hope that she in the future runs as good as now. She is the one of my dogs that’s the most impressive to look at when she hunts. She is a real hunter!

I am so proud!!!

2006-09-03 Today Nova started her first official LC test.
BOB-3, CAC with 80,25 points.
Judges: Dr. Djordje Tesic, Hungary and Markku Mähönen, Finland
Complete results are presented on Novas resultpage!


Approved License course 2005-05-12 (when she was a few days over 1 year).

3 Photos from that day taken by Micael Arringe

2005-09-25 Club Masters SVVK/nn
For Unlicensed dogs it resulted in
BIF-5, BOB with 68 points.

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