Little about Me and My kennel!
My name is Jessica Mårtensson. I was born the 30 june 1975.
I live in Ljusdal in the middle of Sweden with my borzois.I want to have a dogs that i can work with, IF I WANT TO! The mentality is very important and for me Borzoi is stabil, elegance, streingt, exteriour, brain, details. AN ARISTOCRAT!
This breed is so much more than for the show rings. For me the Borzoi is perfect, if i want to activate the dog much, the dog is with me!, if i want to look at tv and take it easy, The borzoi is ok with that, without stressing.

And of course is the borzoi for the show rings, they are the Dogworld's beauty number one! No one can compete with that!
My kennel name ARSATHAS is after my first three borzoi AR: Aron SA: Saga THA:Tharzis. I got the name in 2003.

My interests of Borzoi started when I was just six or seven years old, when I saw one in a book of all breeds. But I didn’t get one from my father.

When I was six I got my first dog “Gullan” from Karin Krook-Yngvesdotter, kennel Edänge She was a great dog, she was 13 years when she got hit by a car and died.

Castor & Gullan
I also had a Dog named "Castor" Ikamara's Castor Du Belgerikk (after Trollbjörkens Rembrandt – Wilma) at the time.. I co owned him with my brother. Castor was a wonderful dog, but very mutch ON!

In the early 1999 I decided to by my own dog, and that was then I bought “Aron” Double Diamond’s Ån’chrisarion (after Sybirak’s Ares – Alusjta). He is the most wonderful dog I ever seen. He is the father of my A-litter. Alusjta hes mother is one of my favourite bitches she was “A leader” and a lovely strong personality.

I also got in contact with Birgitta Bäckman, Kennel Ivegill’s in 1999 and decided to by my “Saga” Ivegill’s Lady Easter Flower from her (after Such, Dkuch Majorow’s Maksimov – Such Ivegill’s Lady Ludmilla). Saga is the mother of my A-Litter.
In 2001 I saw a puppy that I felt for “Tharzis” Double Diamond’s Durga Tharzis (after Ivegill’s Lord Easter Bunny - Alusjta).but I didn’t by him at first. He was 12 weeks when he came to me!

2004 I decided to mate my Saga with Aron, which resulted in 7 lovely offsprings. Arsathas Anova “Nova”, Arsathas Akaijev “Bamse”, Arsathas Atlas “Atlas”, Arsathas Akilles “ Saijev”, Arsathas Aischa “Aischa”, Arsathas Athena “Attan” and Arsathas Alwin “Alwin”.

In 2007 My friend and Mentor Mona Brink contacted me and tell me about lovely puppies that have ben born at Kennel Moor Racing. The puppies have a for me very interesting pedigree. A combination of at least 4 old kennels, Leicro's, Yablonaja, Majenkir, and Triumfus Dyonisis. When i saw the puppy named Moor Racing Offra "Offra" (after Leicro's Russian Zwartkopf - Yablonaja Flora) i decided to buy her. She was so mutch "the dog in my dreams". So i hope that she will become what i expects, and some day have puppies here.


In May 2011 Arsathas Anova "Nova" gave birth to my lovely B litter after the very handsome boy Sebranova's Ramsez. I can never thank Annelie Björklund enough for giving me the privilege of using her male. They got 7 lovely offsprings Arsathas Barinya, Arsathas Belana Mishenka, Arsathas Barisjnikova, Arsathas Busiga Bubblan, Arsathas Baryshnikow, Arsathas Bolshoi, Arsathas Bej Ramsez. Out of this litter I kept Arsathas Baryshnikov Nikko"

In september 2010 Tharzis become father at kennel Marelden's and my new little boy Ängel came to me from that litter!


The 4 of september 2012 Nova gave birth to a litter of 9 beautiful Tricolours one of them were dead at birth. This litter is a combination i have dreamed about för a long time. The father is Kennel Jelistaz Fantastic Ch Rasswet's Burattino "Tino"
Arsathas Calvados, Arsathas Coup De Coeur, Arsathas Camelot, Arsathas Calvin, Arsathas Cassiopeiaand the Trio that stays with me Arsathas Chrisarion, Arsathas Chanel and Arsathas Cassandra Mishenka

2013 Kennel Jelistaz borowed my CH Moor Racing Offta and mated her to Lovely Multi, Multi CH Jelistaz Thriller. From that litter i have my little Jelistaz Winsome "Wilja"

And I hope that I can do this list of dogs much longer... in time. The Borzois are my life and I hope it will continue!


I would like to thank some lovely people for help and for being you!

My Arsathas family

Cari Olsson my best frend
Annelie with Bej
Alexandre for alway Being here for me and helping with the dogs and all you do for us!
Sanna & Stefan Söderberg, Kennel Jelistaz
Kej & Agneta with Zeb & Noa
Per & Lenita with Speja
Karin and Dan with Attan & Bamse
Conny with Saijev & Jack
Magnus and Susanne with Inya
Mona (Gone but never will be forgotten) with Belana
Marie and Göran with Ninni
Helen with Bubblan
Pia with Belana and Breeder off Offra
My father Anders for everything you have allways done for me
Malin Larsdotter
Jonny Björklund
Anders Persson

Mona Brink, Kennel Mishenka's For always Being there for me ALWAYS!
Pia Moor kennel Moor Racing for giving me the honour to own Offra.
Lillemor Croneryd Kennel Leicro for leting us meet at your kennel when i went to get Offra and for beeing there when ever i have questions.
Maria Annala, Kennel Marelden's for leting me show Marelden's Yessie Jelinina on World dog show, for lovely gifts, and lovely friendship and fun trips,
Annelie Björklund for lend me your lovely "Helan" and for being a wonderful friend,
Urban, Sonja och Maggan at Ljusdals djurklinik for always beeing there for us!

And to all the breeders for protecting this lovely breed!
// Jessica, Kennel Arsathas

Arsathas Baryshnikov "Nikko" and me

Lisa, Ella, Offra, Saga, Tharzis, Nova, Aischa, Thelma och Jag

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